Buy Cheap TAC DSK-BLU Illuminated Drum Sticks - Blue

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Tired of the original wooden, small diameter drum stick. Here is your perfect alternative. The whole body of this drum stick will light up in flame red or electric blue when striked on any surface, giving you a dramatic light show when playing drummer in Rock Band or Guitar Hero. Now who said drummer is always sitting behind the scene!! Comes in two beautiful colors: flame red and electric blue.
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Customer Buzz
 "Pretty - but flawed" 2010-07-16
By D. E. Barnes (Mn USA)
I will not bother to reprise all bad points that are in the reviews here, I will just say that they are pretty when you get them working. The small instruction sheet that came with the sticks did not mention anything about the thin contact strip that runs up the side of the chamber, shame on me I did not read any reviews here so I fault myself for that one. Over all though I quite underwhelmed over all with this product.

Customer Buzz
 "Metallica broke the stick." 2010-01-20
By OomKasa (Ft Hood, TX, USA)
We got these sticks for our friend who plays expert drums. Since we usually play in front of a bunch of people, we thought it'd be cool and flashy to have these sticks for our outdoor night sessions. So we throw in our favorite game: Guitar Hero Metallica and were about 30-40 seconds into a song (can't recall which one, but if you've played the game you know it can be drum-tastic), and I see this plastic projectile fly past my face and our drummer laughing his ass off. Mind you, these we fresh out of the package moments before. Although it was funny to see these things snap in half, especially in front of like 30 people, I cannot recommend this product to anyone. Unless you have an absolute feathery drum style, these pieces of crap will not last. Better to invest in a comfortable drum chair (or maybe a small fan to point at the drummer if he's a profuse sweater :P)

Customer Buzz
 "Too noisy, OK overall" 2009-11-05
By Luis M. Arteaga (Harvest, Alabama United States)
I found the light effect less impressive than I thought it was going to be, but it's still fun to watch it go off when you hit it and fade away after a couple of seconds. The weight is a little more than the original Guitar Hero drumsticks but that didn't bother me.

A real turn-off was that the sticks are very noisy, to the point that I had to crank up the volume on the TV real loud so I could hear the music. For some reason this drumsticks generate a vibrating noise (i think it comes from the juncture between the transparent part and the non-transparent bottom) that reverberates.

I'll go back to wooden drumsticks but will keep this for when showing off Guitar Hero to my friends.

Customer Buzz
 "don't waste your money" 2009-11-03
By Robert Lambert (Harrison, Ar.)
These sticks are junk. Do not buy. The battery compartment is poorly designed and if you aren't really careful your sticks will be broken before you ever get to play with them. It doesn't really matter that much because if you do manage to get the batteries in them and working properly they are only good for about 10 minutes of play time because the sticks are plastic and snap very easily. Also they are about 4 times the size of real drum sticks and when your drumming with them the plastic slap is so loud you can't hear the game.

Customer Buzz
 "Sucks" 2009-09-12
By Z. S. Proctor (Texas)
Rock Band awesome, rock band two drum set awesome, these sticks okay I got them knowing they'd break sometime but not in the first week of having them. the soder on terminal for the leds to flicker broke off so I was okay with clear drum sticks but then used again and then item broke(seriously) in half at the grip so now I have one working drum stick. Not worth the money. Best Buy carries newer one solid plastic two piece(to this one with like 6) item which is much better, same price. Check out best buy before this item. Never threw them or beat the crap out of them they just up n broke.

5 star for Rock Band and Guitar Hero 1 star for these sticks

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Buy TAC DSK-BLU Illuminated Drum Sticks - Blue Now

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