Buy Cheap Edimax EW-7718Un - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (draft 2.0)

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Utilizing MIMO (Multiple In - Multiple Out) Antenna technology to give you the great speed, with the widest coverage and linked to the farest distance. It is future proof, and will give you years of excellent service.
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Now you will get a Amazing Promotion! You can buy cheap Edimax EW-7718Un - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (draft 2.0) . Today Shopping Online & Get Best Promotion Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Edimax EW-7718Un - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (draft 2.0) Sale Best Price for shopping online - At Lowest Pirce You will Get Big Surprice!.......Order Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- The Latest Wireless Technology standard
- 300 Megabit data rate
- Higest speed; greatest distance & widest coverage
- Compatiple with XP, Vista, Mac 0SX 10.3~10.5, Linux
- Great for data-intensive multimedia streaming
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Quick and Easy Set-up" 2010-10-19
By KristinF
This product is great - it took about 2 minutes to set-up and we were off. We used on a desktop PC that is upstairs (the router is down) and it works perfectly.

Customer Buzz
 "Great wi-fi device for Mac" 2010-02-08
By Enlightened Reader (Los Angeles, CA)
I received this item in the mail a record 1 day after ordering it! I installed it on a MacPro tower with no AirPort card running OS X 10.5.2. The installation was simple enough, considering there were absolutely no instructions included for the Mac drivers. Just had to play around with the Network Settings a bit. Was up and running in about 5 minutes. Since I'm using a free wi-fi network, the connection can be a little unreliable. I don't attribute this to the device, rather where my computer is located (basement of building). I would recommend this project to Mac computer users.

Customer Buzz
 "Good Deal" 2009-12-16
By Matthew Cargill (Sarasota, FL USA)
Bought this adapter for my old G5 Tower running OS 10.4. Shipping from PCBay was fast, arrived in 2 days. Installation and setup took minutes -- just plug the device in, run a quick install from the CD, and it works. The signal strength and connection speed are superb as well. Compared to similar adapters, this one appears to be the best choice for the money.

Customer Buzz
 "Performs as advertised" 2009-07-25
By Timothy J. Ford (South Florida)
Product review of Edimax EW-7718Un - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB -

802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (draft 2.0).

The manufacturer is Edimax and the model is EW-7718Un. This is a usb

wireless network adapter which claims to comply with 802.11b, 802.11g,

and 802.11n (draft 2.0) standards. It claims to support Windows

(2000, XP, XP64 and Vista), Mac (10.4.x, 10.5.x), and Linux (2.4,

2.6). Included is a cd-rom which contains the Windows Setup Wizard.

Included on a second cd-rom are the installation scripts and drivers

for Mac and Linux. The adapter contains the RT2870USB(RT2870/RT2770)

chip-set which is manufactured by Ralink. Included is a usb cable and

a small external stand for the usb card.

I purchased this product July 2009 from, through

It was delivered promptly and without any damage. I bought this usb

wireless adapter specifically to use with Linux because my laptop has

a wlan chip which is supported by Windows only. I have successfully

installed and used this product on both Windows Vista and Linux. It

has performed as advertised.

Here is a short description of the steps I followed to install the

Linux kernel module. My system is Debian lenny x86_64 with Linux

kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64.

Step 1. It is necessary to compile the new Linux kernel module. You

need these: gcc, make, and the kernel header files. These you should

get with your distribution of Linux. I chose to use the

wpa_supplicant program provided by Debian. If you are using Debian,

modify the kernel version and issue this command: 'apt-get install

wpasupplicant make gcc linux-headers-2.6.26-2-amd64'.

Step 2. Sources for the modules are included on a cd-rom from Edimax.

However, rather than use the supplied sources, I chose to get the

latest version which is available from Ralink. Go to this URL:

'' and

download the latest version of the drivers for

RT2870USB(RT2870/RT2770). The file that I downloaded was created on

May 21, 2009, is version, hence is named

'2009_0521_RT2870_Linux_STA_V2.1.2.0.tgz'. Save the file in a

convenient location. I put mine in /pub/RalinkWireless/.

Step 3. Extract the files:

> cd /pub/RalinkWireless/

> tar xvfz 2009_0521_RT2870_Linux_STA_V2.1.2.0.tgz

Step 4. Configure:

> cd 2009_0521_RT2870_Linux_STA_V2.1.2.0/

Using emacs (or your favorite text editor), open the file

os/linux/ and change the values of the following variables:



Save and exit.

Step 5. Login as root. You probably already know how to do this.

Step 6. Compile the drivers:

> make

> cp RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat

Step 7. Load the kernel module and use dhcp to establish a connection:

> insmod /pub/RalinkWireless/2009_0521_RT2870_Linux_STA_V2.1.2.0/os/linux/rt2870sta.ko

> ifconfig ra0 inet up

> dhclient ra0

Have fun!

Customer Buzz
 "Works great with the Mac" 2008-10-23
By Big Audio Zoo (Burbank, CA USA)
It does what it says. It was designed for Windows but it also comes with Mac drivers that work perfectly. If, like me, you're looking for an alternative way to get wireless on your Mac this product is for you.

Images Product

Buy Edimax EW-7718Un - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (draft 2.0) Now

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