Buy Cheap SteelSeries Xai Laser Gaming Mouse

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The technology, shape, size, weight and surface of the SteelSeries Xai were designed with one purpose: to enhance the users performance. The sensor offers huge improvement over current laser mice, processing 12,000 Frames Per Second at movement speeds of 150 Inches Per Second. SteelSeries Xai can be fully configured via a LCD menu system on the back of the mouse, while supporting advanced macro capabilities of up to 200 strokes per button. Advanced software allows configuration of SteelSeries FreeMove, SteelSeries ExactSens, SteelSeries ExactAim, SteelSeries ExactRate, plus automatic lift distance calibration. SteelSeries Xai is a tool - not a gadget.
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Technical Details

- Laser gaming mouse
- 8 programmable buttons
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Customer Buzz
 "Beautiful mouse!" 2010-09-23
By John Gietzen
This mouse is pretty close to perfect.

I was able to replicate the exact feel of my previous mouse and store that config directly on the mouse! No changes to Window's or any game's sensitivity, and I'm playing like my old self.

Just excellent.

Customer Buzz
 "Accurate & Comforable" 2010-09-18
By T. Smith
OK first off I will admit that I am probably an idiot, I'm not a gamer but I tend to buy expensive gamer hardware because I like the quality, precision, etc.

So I won't be rating this mouse on how easy I can get an "insta kill" or whatever, I want to stick strictly to the mouse itself. I'm certainly not going to detract from my score because I bought something that wasn't ideally suited for my needs.

That said, the mouse has a very nice profile and texture. Having a mouse in my hand all day, I definitely appreciate the matte finish which prevents it from getting a sweaty coating. It also is very responsive and (at least for my needs) very accurate.

The weight combined with the skid pads is just about perfect, the mouse glides across my mouse pad effortlessly. The cord is almost show boating, a corded cable cover rather than the typical plastic cord.

I immediatly downloaded the software for the mouse so I could configure it, you don't necessarily need it for non-gaming but it sure is nice and has incredible options for getting just what you want, even if it takes a while to get it "just right".

So why am I not rating it 5 stars? Primarily because of the ampidextrous side buttons. I actually turned off the thumb buttons on the right side (so they do nothing), I just find myself constantly clicking them when I am doing normal tasks, and it's somewhat irritating.

If you are a left hander and have problems finding the perfect mouse, this might be as close as it gets excluding left hand focused mouses (mice?). However, for the majority of us right handers, I'd say that not having the buttons there would make the mouse better, if not damn near perfect.

Customer Buzz
 "Great Mouse Bad software" 2010-09-15
By Ryan D
Let me start off by saying that this is an awesome mouse. From the moment I took it out of the package, I loved the way it felt in my hand. I hold my mouse in a kind of hybrid style, I will actively switch between a "claw" style grip and a "palm" style grip while gaming/surfing or whatever i'm doing, and it feels great no matter how I grip it.The buttons have a nice sold click too them, not too hard, but just enough to eliminate any accidental clicks, which has been a problem for me with many mice (mouses?). the scroll wheel is great too, has a good solid feedback and has a nice clicky feel to it (no audible click but you can definitely tell when you have gone up or down a notch). The side buttons are well placed on the left side of the mouse, the right side, I had some issues with mis-clicking for the first day, and after that my grip had self adjusted to put my fingers just far enough away from it to prevent mis-clicks (I mean self adjusted as in i made no conscious effort to adjust my grip, i just noticed after the second day that I had stopped accidentally clicking the buttons). The DPI switch button is well placed, easy to press and fairly hard to mis-click. The glides on this mouse are some of the best that I have ever used, very smooth without feeling too slippery. The laser is dead accurate, I run a mid-high DPI setting for most of the things that I do, typically in the 1700-2100 range. While photoshopping I find it effortless to hold the cursor withing 1 pixel, while drawing a line, over seemingly endless distances without the slightest bit of jitter or pull (this is without using any of the software aides that make the cursor move "smoother" or "straighter").

However, the greatness of the hardware does not translate into the software for this mouse unfortunately. With the first Xai I got from amazon (it had a USP issue and kept turning off and resetting itself every 5 minutes or so) I installed the software from Steelseries' website and found it to be, well, crap. I found values kept resetting themselves and the hardware update that it installed into my mouse seemed to create more issues that had not been there before. So with my second Xai, i decided to forgo the software, and simply set up the mouse using the LCD on the bottom of the mouse. The process was fairly intuitive considering you are only using the scroll wheel to navigate the menu, although it did take a little longer to set it up this way. Overall this is an amazing mouse with the only real negative being the software. I give the mouse a 6/5 from the hardware standpoint and a 1/5 for software.

OK, if you don't want to read that wall of text, here's a sum-up


+Great overall feel to the mouse

+Buttons have a good click to them and are well placed

+Great glides

+Best laser engine I have used

+Able to easily adjust settings without software


-Software sucks

I would strongly recommend to anyone buying this mouse to avoid the software like the plague, just take the time to set it up using the handy LCD screen on the bottom and you will be much happier!

Customer Buzz
 "good hardware, quirky deficient software" 2010-07-20
By Im A. Skeptic (USA)
I bought this mouse for two reasons: the design makes it physically usable left or right handed and its buttons are programmable.

Its size is oriented for the gamer - best suited for small/medium hands if used in a "claw" grip and finger tip control with larger hands. The hand size suitability of a mouse will be a problem until a model is offered in multiple sizes.

My main problem with the Xai is its quirky programming.

Supposedly one can simply select either the "left" or "right" configuration box and the right and left side button functions will swap. Not only did this not work dependably but it ended with both "left" and "right" boxes checked. I found it simpler to leave the default "right" box checked and reassign the buttons as for the left hand. The buttons are not numbered properly (for a lefty) but the functions are left-handed correct.

The programming of a mouse button for a use not on the nine common functions list requires using the "macro manager", even to assign a single regular keyboard alphabet or number character. One can also program in a series of keyboard key press/release and set delays within the series of key presses.

Once one has figured out how to do this programming there still remains the task of saving these "macros", assigning the desired macros to mouse buttons and saving the complete mouse configuration. There are no dependable instructions to complete this series of actions and it is NOT intuitive. Also if one deletes a "macro" that happens to be assigned to one of the five "profiles" you may find the phrase "macro assigned" for that profile's button. After one has deleted a macro it still remains on the list of assignable macros if one is careless enough not to close the entire xai window and reopen. If a "macro" is "added" one may find it not on the available list to assign and if it is listed and selected it may result in another listed macro being assigned.

I have actually managed to complete the process but I consider it somewhat accidental and certainly bothersome.

One last point: mouse buttons (unlike keyboard keys) when held pressed do not result in an endless repetitive series of key signals until released. Some PC games require this type of repetitive output for some game actions. Other mouse programming software allows programming a "looping" action for a button press and release. Xai programming does not.

Customer Buzz
 "Smooth/Comfortabl/Feature Rich" 2010-07-14
I need to first tell you that i have used exclusively nothing but Logitech G5 mice for literally years now. This mouse is the first mouse that i feel comfortable using. Most mice are too flat in comparison to the G5 I have become accustomed to.


-Comfortable to hold for multiple hours.

-Smoothest mousing experience I've ever had.


-Extremely Programmable/Customizable

-It stores all of the profile/customization internally on the mouse itself. This means you can take the mouse to other computers, or other places while not losing any of your customization.


-Feet on the bottom look like they'll wear out after about 2-3months. So replacing these could be a headache down the road.

Overall if you looking for a high end gaming mouse, this is the only one i think is worth the money. Otherwise save ~$25 and just get a Logitech G5.

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