Buy Cheap CH Products USB Combatstick 568 with 8-Way Switch & 128 Programmable Functions

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If you think it's hard to perfect perfection, our Combatstick 568 will surely change your thinking. We've taken our popular mid-range USB Combatstick, and added the features you've been wanting.
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Now you will get a Amazing Promotion! You can buy cheap CH Products USB Combatstick 568 with 8-Way Switch & 128 Programmable Functions . Today Shopping Online & Get Best Promotion Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. CH Products USB Combatstick 568 with 8-Way Switch & 128 Programmable Functions Sale Best Price for shopping online - At Lowest Pirce You will Get Big Surprice!.......Order Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Total of 34 programmable functions with the new Control Manager software
- 3 axis and 18 buttons (six push buttons, one 4 way hat switch, and one 8 way point of view hat)
- Dual rotary trim controls allow for precision adjustment of ailerons and elevators
- Quality components and construction
- Compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000 & XP for PC and MacOS 8.6 with Input Sprockets 1.7x for Mac
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Customer Buzz
 "Excellent precision, decent comfort, poor endurance" 2010-09-02
By Josh E.
I've used quite a few joysticks, including the Madcatz Panther DX, Microsoft Sidewinder, Logitech Wingman, and Saitek X52. None of them come even close to CH Products' Combat Stick USB in terms of precision and accuracy. I estimate there to be less than half a millimeter of play at the center, while the other joysticks mentioned have several millimeters to nearly an inch. It isn't only in the center, too, that you find accuracy. If you use the joystick without a sensitivity curve, you can see in the calibration program that the slightest of movements are recognized.

That's the good. What isn't so good is the feel. It is designed for men with large hands. For smaller guys like myself, some of the buttons are impossible to reach without relinquishing one's death-grip on the stick. In addition, one of the buttons is right where my little finger curls around the stick, meaning that I'm constantly accidentally pressing it (so much that I am forced to unbind it). The stick is also less comfortable with prolonged use than some other sticks I've used, although not enough to be considered a serious problem.

And the endurance of this stick is rather poor. While I've never had it snap off in my hand or visually break in any other way, something inside is constantly breaking. I can't tell if it's loose wiring or bad potentiometers. At least once every year, the joystick would begin spiking badly and I would have to ship it to California for repairs. This was expensive (I think it was over $22 U.S. to ship it the last time) and took sometimes several months. And you can't fix it yourself without voiding the warranty.

So, in short, I'm not entirely happy with it, but I would definitely buy the CH Products Combat Stick again. In fact, I am planning on replacing it as soon as I have the money. However, I am not going to buy CH pedals or yokes ever again, as my experiences with those have been quite dissatisfactory.

Customer Buzz
 "Same review but different product "CH-Top Notch"" 2010-01-27
By Lt Scott St John (Saugerties NY)
Hi I have been flight siming for quite sometime and recently made the Jump to real world piloting both fixed wing and rotary aircraft. The fellas I fly fixed wing with and my instructor for rotary aircraft all agree that my use of flight programs with this equipment has translated into a more fluid, focused training experience. The only thing one does not quite experience is the actual mechanical tactile elements and forces of "G" associated with real world flying. Otherwise When in X-Plane, FX or 2004 Microsoft programs you are real as you program it. This is also true of older Ubisoft titles which fly well and much more acurately than with Logitech controller Sticks. Logitech has just come out with controllers like Ch-Products and Saitek. The Jury is not in on these yet. Try landing on the pitching deck of a carrier in Lomac IL2 or Pacific fighters. You`ll get a real thrill/chill and a sense of accomplishment. Especially when battle dam-aged I love CH-Products READ what you can do W/CMS Software. We have Joy Lt Scott St. John

Customer Buzz
 "When failure is not an option..." 2009-08-22
By Capt Sacto (California)
I have used this particular joystick for over 10 years and I am quite satisfied with it's operation and quality. I only recently purchased another because gameport controllers are being phased out for the USB style. CH Products makes the best controllers in my humble opinion. They are tough, rugged and precise, with 128 programmable functions there is little this stick can't handle. Combine that with a Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals from CH Products and the world of flight sims is yours to conquer. CH Products USB Combatstick 568 with 8-Way Switch & 128 Programmable Functions

Customer Buzz
 "Fast delivery, great product" 2009-01-03
By non-participant
A great value and an essential for any realistic fighter sim (e.g. Falcon 4.0: Allied Force). But consider the CH Products Fighterstick -- you may find that the added realism the Fighterstick provides is worth the extra 50 or so dollars.

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent as always" 2008-12-12
By Deputy (Silver City, NM USA)
I used to have the older version of this stick made to plug into a game port on the sound card. USB port makes it a lot easier to install. Make sure you calibrate before using. The previous version has taken a ton of use and is VERY reliable. I'm sure this one will perform just as well.

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Buy CH Products USB Combatstick 568 with 8-Way Switch & 128 Programmable Functions Now

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