Buy Cheap Super Nintendo Smartjoy SNES PC USB Controller Adapter Converter

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Connect your Super Nintendo controller to your PC USB port. Multiple adapters can be connected at the same time.
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Customer Buzz
 "Exactly what you need for your retro pleasure" 2010-04-23
By Keith
This thing is great for any game that needs a touch of old. I played Tales of Game's Presents Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa and the 8-bitness just made me feel like I was missing something; I longed for the feel of a familiar SNES controller. This converter does exactly what needs to be done with no lag and no driver. Can be a little bulky, but amazing quality.

Customer Buzz
 "It worked, but it had a technical issue." 2009-09-10
By David Monroe (Houston, TX USA)
This very easily could have been a bad unit, I'm unsure, and unless someone else post results I will remain unsure.

The A,B,X,Y,L,R, Start and Select buttons worked perfectly, and it did read the cross pad, just not properly. Instead of registering the cross pad as buttons, it actually registered as a Joystick, not necessarily a problem in and of itself. The problem came in the fact that the right and down buttons were always active. A controller at rest on the X or Y axis regitered 1, left and up registered 0, and actually pushing right or down registered a 3. Traditionally rest should have been 0, left or up should be -1 and right or down should be 1 on the respective axis. As a result this item is unusable on both ZSNES and SNES9x on which I have tried to use it.

I concede that I may have gotten a bad one, in which case it's just bad QC. I got mine in a manner that's nonreturnable, so I'm going to open mine up and see if there's any resistors or POTs I can adjust. This is something I as a tech might be able to do, though unlikely based on most modern manufacturing practices, but something the public at large should not have to deal with.


Additional Edit added after original post.

I've played with this a bit more on other operating systems. It worked great with Linux. The above listed screwed up button pressed values are still there, but operating systems other than OS X seem to deal with it better (well - I still haven't tried Windows). I'm increasing the star rating, but since the X/Y axis readings are still outside the expected norm I'm only increasing it a little.

I currently use a Wireless Logitech PS2 control on my Mac using a Gamecube PS2 XBOX Controller to PC USB Adapter 3in1. It doesn't get much better than that, the above reviewed adapter is currently sitting on a shelf, but I may utilize it in the future on a MythTV box or something. Of course I'll probably just stick with PS2 controls and buy more 3in1's.

Customer Buzz
 "Awesome product" 2009-07-12
By William Miller
I purchased this a couple of weeks ago, after I started getting heavy into ROM's. I could not have asked for an easier to use product. Just plug it in, and configure the buttons, and you're ready to go. So far I've used it on SNES, NES, Genesis and even arcade games. You cannot go wrong with this one.

Customer Buzz
 "It converts SNES gamepads to USB. All you need to know." 2009-06-14
By R. Martinez
Because, really, it works as you'd expect. Nothing extra to get in the way of that. I suppose it has a generic controller chip that makes it just a plain old push-button controller because it works with my Ubuntu computer just fine (just get the jscalibrator utility to calibrate or to see it work). And that's a good thing! In turn it works great with the Linux version of ZSNES without fuss. Tried it with Doom under the DoomsdayEngine (DENG) and I wouldn't suggest controlling a first gen FPS with a non-analog-stick controller though it is technically possible ("technically possible" doesn't mean preferable or ideal).


Compatible with: Windows or Linux (latest distros) out of the box and Mac OS X (with an additional utility).


Only one SNES controller port. Though I haven't used a multitap with it yet that may be a moot point.


I wouldn't recommend using a knockoff SNES controller as the connection is a bit tight and may ruin the adapter. Original SNES controllers connect firmly but easily.

Customer Buzz
 "Outstanding." 2009-04-17
By Brandon White (Texas, USA)
This worked perfectly with my ZSNES emulator on XP and Vista and I'm having tons of fun with it.

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Buy Super Nintendo Smartjoy SNES PC USB Controller Adapter Converter Now

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