Buy Cheap Logitech G7 Laser Cordless Mouse

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FEATURES- G7 Laser Cordless Mouse- Black
Application Switch, Cordless, Laser Technology, PC, Rechargeable,
Right-Handed Comfort Grip, Scroll wheel, Tilt Wheel Plus Zoom, USB.
Extreme cordless performance. The Logitech G7 Cordless Mouse
delivers extreme cordless performance with a 2000 dpi laser engine
for blinding speed and precision response. The G7s full-speed,
bi-directional USB connection sends a blazing 500 reports/second
over 2.4 GHz wireless for a bulletproof connection. Dead batteries
will not stop you mid-mission, thanks to a five-level power
indicator and twin "hot-swappable" Li-ion battery packs that
recharge while you are racking up points. Use Logitechs SetPoint
software to customize your mouse with advanced features such as
game detection and adjustable sensitivity (including independent
x- and y-axis settings). The programmable tilt wheel adds an
unprecedented level of control and gaming power.
Includes G7 Laser Cordless Mouse, (2) Li-Ion Battery packs, Charging
station, USB dongle, CD with SetPoint software, Installation guide.
* 2000 dpi Laser Engine
An ultra-high resolution engine churns images at an astounding 6.4
megapixels per second. A massive (30-pixel by 30-pixel) sensor array and
precision laser technology allow the G7 to deliver best-in-class
performance and tracking.
* Full-speed USB + 2.4 GHz cordless
4X faster than conventional mice, USB delivers blazing speed and instant
acceleration. With a 5X stronger connection, 2.4 GHz wireless
"bulletproofs" the G7 against lags and interference dropouts.
* Two fast-swap ultra-light Li-ion packs
Recharging does not have to mean pausing the action. . In the default
gaming power mode, the battery life
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Technical Details

- Laser cordless mouse
- Blazing speed and instant acceleration
- Comfort grip
- Provides ultra-smooth glide
- Three year warranty
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Great mouse but watch wireless!" 2010-08-07
By AceMgy
This is easily the best mouse I have owned in ergonomic comfort and design. But there's a big fly in the ointment! Read further to see what I'm talking about. This issue could really break the mouse for you, as it has for me (hence only 3 stars instead of 5)

When you're buying a mouse for gaming consider what grip you use. I know that sounds nerdy as hell but it really does help! Go to Razer's main website and look around, they have a good section on the three main grips used.

I use a claw grip, meaning my hand is mostly off the top of the mouse, only slightly touching it on the back for stability. Your thumb on the left side and pinky and ring on the right side are what move the mouse. With the tips of your fingers you can very quickly and accurately move your mouse. The ridges on the left and right sides provide excellent support for your fingertips to move the mouse.

If you rather have your entire hand rest on the mouse (palm grip) it's very comfortable for that too. I hear a lot of FPS gamers prefer this (I'm more of a starcraft player) and many of my friends use logitech's "perfect" mice for that (the G7, G5, and G500 all are basically the same shape).

The battery life is very good. The mouse comes with a nice recharger station that can be placed right next to the mousepad. When the battery runs out it can be very sudden (no slowing down or losing connection typically), unless you keep an eye on the convienent battery indicator (I never do). However changing the battery is so swift that you'll be able to change batteries in the middle of a match without losing a step. I used to play WoW (so glad I don't now) and I can imagine doing it in the middle of a raid, it's that swift. I've joked at LANs how it is very much like reloading a gun. You lift it up, hit the bottom button to eject while using your left hand to pop out the fresh battery out of the charger, pick up the fresh one and push it in with your fingers after you've turned the mouse over in your hand, and you're back in the game. However, keep in mind that I've practiced this (because it's fun to do) and gotten quite good at it. If you have clumsy fingers it might be considerably more frustrating to you.

All that considered, there is one issue you MUST CONSIDER before buying this or any wireless mouse. I've had extreme problems with connectivity. I was worried about battery life when buying this mouse (it's great, especially if you take out the battery at night and charge the one lowest on juice like I do), but I figured wireless technology was good enough so as not to have problems. My mouse now loses signal every 5-10 seconds on bad days and has to wait 3-10 seconds to pick it up again. Keep in mind that this problem was not present when I got this mouse! Or even for bout 6 months afterwards. The problem is the handy little charging station has a USB port where you can plug in the receiver dongle, however it's at a 45 degree angle pointing up. This looks nice, and seems handy to plug the thing in, but I didn't consider how fragile it was in this position. When I'd go to LANs or move my computer, I'd just throw the charging station in my duffel bag with the dongle still plugged in. If something hits or puts pressure on that dongle it has enough leverage to damage your receiver (and it has visibly damaged the USB port)! After a few months of me being stupid, the thing started losing signal occasionally. On good days it does this once every hour or so, bad days once every 10 seconds. I've lost matches because my mouse lost signal and wouldn't reconnect. It's completely unusable now. If you do get this mouse treat the dongle like a baby! Take it off and put it in your pocket when you go to LAN's, or just plug it in the back of the computer where stuff is less likely to hit it instead of the charging station. And for goodness sake don't lose it. Had I taken better care of it this mouse probably would have lasted much longer.

I've tried to fix this by plugging the dongle in the back of the computer, didn't work because the dongle seems to be what's damaged. I've even fashioned a reflector dish out of tin foil but that only worked for a while, if I moved my mouse out of the small focal point it'd lose signal instantly. I've looked into getting a replacement but the dongle is configured to the mouse at the factory so you'd have to have logitech replace the whole mouse (I declined because I don't want to deal with this ever again). You can buy a new dongle or a used one off E-bay but it won't even see your mouse. Found some software that supposedly fixes this but I'm not spending 20-30$ on a used/new dongle on E-bay just to find out.

Also, if some employee at Logitech is reading this review, write this down and put it on the suggestions box (or whatever bureaucratic system you guys have for new ideas): PUT THE RECEIVER ANTENNA INSIDE THE CHARGING STATION ON THE NEXT MOUSE. That way no amount of abuse will damage the antenna inside, unless you lose the charging station entirely (in that case you're out of luck even with a dongle). I'm not sure why nobody thought of this, but hey we're all human, and it's funny what even large groups of people can miss. Only reason I could think of to not put the antenna inside the station is because maybe a charging battery could generate EM interference that close? However, I'm assuming the battery is charged using a DC circuit and as such would only generate a static EM field, which wouldn't interfere with the mouse signals. Forgive me if I oversimplify, engineers, I'm a physicist by trade.

Before buying a mouse ask yourself if you really need a wireless mouse. I bought this mainly because my previous mouse's chord was catching occasionally causing me to overshoot/undershoot clicking on that zealot or missing that headshot in TF2. Losing connection is way more annoying and actually disabling. I hear that if you get a braided chord it doesn't have much friction and if you coil the wire properly and keep the desk clean it'll be completely free and unnoticeable. I'm buying a new mouse and it'll be one with a chord for sure.

Good luck shopping. :)

Customer Buzz
 "Almost Complete Failure. No More Logitech 4 Me." 2010-05-04
By Levy Burns (Pittsburgh)
I spent a decent chunk of change on this POS, should have gone with razer instead, here's why this mouse fails epically as a GAMING mouse:

1. Poor Battery Life. I've had to switch batteries multiple times in a single session before.

2. Ridiculous Software. Comes with software that will kick you out of certain games to tell you your battery life is running low... On a gaming mouse??? Really??? There's a battery life indicator right on the damn thing, i dont need to have my applications minimized for that "warning" thank you very much. Absolutely brain dead by Logitech for a GAMING mouse.

3. The Famous G7 Just Stops Working Problem. Yes it is true, thus mouse will just randomly stop working, yes it's supposed to be a gaming mouse, one that will just stop working out of nowhere, requiring you to physically unplug it's transmitter thing wait for a few seconds then plug it back in again... remember folks this is a GAMING MOUSE.

4. Finicky about certain surfaces.

5. Ridiculously expensive. I guess they had to cover the cost of all those returns somehow.

I've had this mouse for about 2 years or so now, I will not recommend it to anyone, unless I strongly disliked that person. Stay away and get a FUNCTIONAL gaming mouse instead.

Customer Buzz
 "Keeps on tickin.." 2010-04-16
By J. A. Adkins (Sitka, AK United States)
I bought replacement in June 2008, because I thought sooner or later my mouse was gonna crap out(probably had this a couple years before that?), but...I still have not had to replace it. I love not having to set the mouse in a cradle to recharge battery, simply switch it out for a charged one, awesome. I use it on a daily basis for surfing the net, and I play WOW, a lot of WOW. I usually switch out the battery once a day depending on the useage, more on weekends :D. I haven't had any issues with the mouse not working or being picky. There is no indication that the batteries or the mouse are going to die...

Customer Buzz
 "Great gaming and graphics mouse" 2010-03-22
By Big Kahuna (New England USA)
I won't go into the pros and cons of the various features. they have already been covered. I just want to say that I've owned this mouse for about 2.5 years now and I will buy another G7 when this one wears out. The batteries don't last as long as they used to but I only have to swap them out after about 14 hrs of constant use. If I turn the mouse off when not being used I get more life out of them. I love that it comes with 2 hot swappable battery packs so you always have one charged when the other runs low. I know the batteries will eventually wear out, but after the thousands of recharges I've put them through, the battery life and charge time are still very good. I really couldn't ask for a better mouse, all things considered.

Customer Buzz
 "Hello Microsoft..again" 2010-03-21
By Jay Staples (Monterey, CA)
Mouse worked great for 1 month. Then would freeze for 5-20 seconds. Logitec said it was magnetic or wifi disruption dropping the signal. I turned off my wifi and cordless phone with no luck. Please do your research on any tech site. Same problem abounds more times than not. If this issue was fixed I would give it 4 stars, now its an expensive paperweight.

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